要出國的前夕 我們加做了一個大決定



不過一個月就要兩萬多 大家都勸我不要租

想來想去 上網看來看去

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自五月開始 每天都有一些資料要看 還有一些事要聯絡

用了好多眼力 好多Double A 好多墨水   我老了 腰快酸死了

不過 這一切 作的一點怨言都沒有 經過層層的手續和金錢糾葛


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今天是一年一度 五月的第二個禮拜天的母親節

阿母本來不能回來 不過又臨時有同事改變計畫 就載她回來過母親節

很好 我團購買的一堆蛋糕甜品 她就有吃到了

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Backstreet Boys' Howie Dorough Welcomes a Son
Thursday May 7, 2009


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Backstreet Boys

16 years aftter the group was formed, they continue making hits, and they have news about a new CD by the middle of this year.

It all began on April 20, 1993. And even though it's been 16 years since the day when the Backstreet Boys were introduced, their fans have not forgotten, Brian, Nick, AJ and Howie continue their same musical triumphs. Right now, after concluding their "Unbreakable" tour just a few months ago, they are already working on the production of a disk, which will go on sale the middle of this year, and already some of the (song) titles have been released, like "Hologram", "Bigger" and "Public Display of Affection".

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第三個新好寶寶誕生了 !!嗚呼呼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Howie and Leigh had their little baby boy last night, a month early but healthy and happy!!! D"

這是AJ他媽媽發出的消息 本來HOWIE的老婆預計六月生產的 不過提早一個月 小朋友就出生了

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Miley Cyrus獲選 最受歡迎青少年偶像

【明報專訊】憑迪士尼頻道電視劇Hannah Montana走紅,年僅16歲的Miley Cyrus不單創下700萬張唱片的銷量紀錄,演唱會紀錄片去年上映,亦獲得6500萬美元票房,成為荷李活目前最炙手可熱的青春偶像,難怪在網站PopEater.com一項5.7萬名讀者的投票中,接近三分一受訪者選她為最喜愛的偶像,更有百分之十的讀者認為她是年輕人的楷模。

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I will check on the Visa situation. You are about 30 minutes away by car or train from San Francisco and San Jose airports.

Daphne and I like you and hope we can match. Most importantly, Elle likes you. Please let us know if you are willing to match with us.

剛剛和雇主的通信 他很快就回覆我EMAIL

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哈哈哈哈 也太巧了 螢幕的特效 跟他們站的位置 PERFECTLY MATCH!

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繼23號 一大早的對話後 似乎開啟了一連串的好運

我當天早上因為被叫醒 到了早上八九點才睡回籠覺

期間我上了Nick的twitter 還不小心看到他把自己的電話跟email發給他們的專輯製作人

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